Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Chloe Posting A New Blog ^-^

Hi ^-^
Chloe here, although I am not quite sure why I am even bothering to write that anymore, as Georgia has fully neglected the blog *cries*

Anyhow.CRAP I forgot what I was coming on here to post!!

OH WAIT!I remembered!!I was just flicking through the previous posts when I read the most recent one from Georgia!And I just wanted to ask her, WHO IS FAKE BUDDHA?That really confused me xP
And I know who you said it was on the phone, but it is still really confusing.Like, why would you nickname him "Fake Buddha"?And why didn't you tell me that you AND Rubee are obsessed with him?GAH!

So yeahh..


Friday, September 19, 2008

Hullow Again :D

Hellow :D

Its Chloe here, the person who usually posts on this blog!

Anyway, I am really bored and trying to tune out the freaking CRAP music my Mom is making me play on the computer.Honestly its like torture.I cant believe people call My Chemical Romance suicide cult, when this shit my Mom listens to is the stuff that actually makes you wanna go kill yourself!!Its awful music.*pukes*

Anyway, enough of complaining about my Mothers "music".I am still sorely disappointed that we only have one follower xP
But thankyou, Sally, for becoming a follower of this awesome blog!Haha!

So so, if you are reading this blog EVER, makes sure you become a follower (:

Anyhow, I have to go 'cause my Mom is kicking me off the computer >:(

Bye-Bye xox

Thursday, September 18, 2008

One Thing I Will Never Understand..


Chloe here--again.

Today, I actually have a topic!!Todays topic is "One Thing I Will Never Understand.."

Okay, the thing I will never understand is why so many girls love the Jonas Brothers!It is REALLY wierd!!Like, they suck, all of their songs sound the same, and oh my god are they ugly or WHAT?!?!Honestly, they are actually really quite hideous.

So why are all these girls drooling over them??Its ridiculous!Even more ridiculous than them drooling over Zac Efron.Actually no, Zac Efron and The Jonas Brothers are both as bad as each other.

Crap, I hate them.

Haha, but honestly, get some better taste in music, and guys!!Like My Chemical Romance!!They rock, and most of them are really really really good-looking ^___^

So yeah!

Bye-Bye :]


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

An Apology!Haha!

Hellow ^__^

Chloe here!

I just wanted to say sorry for anyone who tried to read the last blog and couldn't because it was written in Hindi!Thats pretty strange, I know, but i think I must've clicked something that made me type in Hindi.

Anyhow, OMG it seems like aaaages since I last blogged!Haha i am so professional!Oh crap,I forgot what i came on here to talk about.

I will write another blog later if i remember, which I probably wont.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

अ वैरी क्विक हेल्लो!

ही! च्लोए हियर,

इ अच्तुअल्ली हवे नो आईडिया वही माय डैड'स कोम्पुतेर इस मकिंग माय व्रितिंग अ दिफ्फेरेंत लैंगुएज।

सतरंगे.इट्स अन्नोयिंगम में सो इ विल गो नो।

राइट तोमोज़।


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Why Was I Born A Complete Klutz??

Hi, Chloe here.

Wasn't it nice of Georgia-Lee to leave a blog?Of course, that kind of thing should be expected, seeing as this blog is called Chloe and Georgia.Not Chloe.Chloe AND Georgia.So yeah, I think I have made my point.

Anyway, I haven't been very busy lately, so theres no point doing an update.I am trying to follow this whole "topic a day" thing, so todays topic is.. "Why Was I Born A Complete Klutz??"
Firstly, I reckon it would be polite to tell you simpler people the definition of "Klutz".
Klutz- noun.
-an awkward, clumsy person.
-a stupid or foolish person; blockhead.
I obviously don't think of myself as a "blockhead", that would be rather strange.But the first definition definitely applies to me.Either I have done something awful in my past life, or God just hated me, I am not too sure, but for some reason, I was born with a genetic mutation of being a completely clumsy fool.
I swear its like I have a magnet for buildings,trees and lamp-posts built inside me.I can't walk down the street without walking into something, living or non-living.Or, if God fails to humiliate me by making me walk into stuff, he resorts to easier things, such as making me trip over my own feet.Its pretty unfair, if you ask me.
Anyway, the reason I decided to make this todays topic is because I have done a variety of clumsy things today.Such as the wrecking of my laptop.I have to admit, this was one of my most dumb moments ever.I seriously doubt that I have a brain, because I honestly believed that I could make my bed, lifting up the duvet, without my Laptop falling on the floor.My Laptop at this moment in time was balanced on the edge of my bed, scarily close to falling off anyway, without me picking up the duvet like a caveman, and waving it in the air.
The next thing I know, and my Laptop has fallen on the ground. I realise my mistake and quickly grab it, checking for injuries.The actual Laptop was fine, but the charger that is essential for keeping the power on (my laptop seems to have a quickly decreasing energy supply on the battery) was broken.I honestly snapped the thing. So now I am stuck with a Laptop that has no battery, and I have to use my Mom's i-Pod docking station when I need to listen to music.Which I nearly broke on another occasion.
I also have spilt raspberry juice everywhere today, which luckily *phew* hasn't stained the carpet!

I honestly do not know how I am going to survive as an adult.
My extreme clumsiness is a hazard to myself and everything around me.

Write some more later, or tomorrow.

Bye-Bye Xx

Friday, September 12, 2008

suppidee my little sparrows

sorry that ive been so neglectful guys
i ust ya'know lose the whole blog-vibe but ive caught it again ayye bro-has lmao

well rubee has stayed at mine since errr..thursday?
she'll be stayin' for about a week
coolness much :]and its her party soon

mann ive been missing you looooads chloe
its sooooooooo gayeee that your not here Dx
but hopefully *crosses fingers, touches wood*
i can come see you next year!!
and meet awl your hot friends haha lmao

well i dont think were doin' anything terribly exciting teeday
me and rupah might go to thee mall and get some stuff to make grouse invites
to her party lulz
and then i might get my haircut aye lol

i think me and rubee has a new obsession
"fake buddah"
lulz, thats code for something
or raddah,
i shink chloe know who this is but
he is cute x100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0000,000,00..
it could go on lmao

i'll try not to be too far this time
You Know You Love Me,

haha lulz
oii jokes

We Need New Followers :O

Hello ^___^

Chloe here (well obviously, seeing as Georgia has nastily neglected our blog)!
Anyway, usually, I wouldn't post two blogs in one day, but this evening there is an urgent matter I need to write about.
The matter in mind is the fact that we have NO FOLLOWERS. This is an outrage.Georgia and I have not been working our butts off writing for you people, and this is what we get in return.Absolutely NOTHING.
If you read our blog, you must click the "Follow This Blog" button at the very bottom of our Blog.
Or else I will be angry.


Hopefully we will get our own little "Fanbase"!

Haha!We wish.

Bye-Bye .xo

The End Of The World..

Helloooowww!Its Chloe here!
Yes thats right, the only person who ever posts blogs anymore!What a sad life it is..
Anyway, I decided that instead of the usual rambling I post in blogs, I would have a different topic for each blog I post.Pretty good idea, huh?
Now todays topic (Gawsh I sound so professional!) is The End Of The World.
Sounds quite daunting, doesn't it?Well dont be scared, because although we were supposedly meant to die on Wednesday morning at 8:30, we did't.When we didn't all get sucked up by a black hole at that time, I was quite pleased.Y'know, I actually like living.So obviously, I was happy when we didn't all die.
Anyway, my brother had to totally burst my bubble.This brother is the same one who seems to enjoy reading these blogs and repeating them to my family.
Moving on, he burst my bubble by telling me that there was no chance of us dying on Wednesday.Apparently, the set date for our deaths is 10th October.So thats nice.At least we have under a month to prepare.
The reason behind this later death is because they don't start the High Power Collisions until then.

Thats all I can be bothered to type on this horrid subject.

Trust me to decide that the first topic would be something that scares the life out of me.

Bye-Bye :D


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Chloe here xD

Before I Begin..
A little message for George Robert Cole. If I ever find out that you are reading this blog again, I will kill you.And if you are reading this message right now, you better get the hell off of this blog.It is none of your business, and you have no right to go prying into your sisters life.Thats for other people to do.Just joking, but honestly.This blog is not meant for you to read.Its none of your damn business, and doesnt concern you one single bit.

Anyway , moving on from all the unpleasantries, I am happy to say that I remembered the blogs website!Yes, thats right, I did forget the site's name for like ONE SECOND (Well, actually a few days, but whatever)!But now i have remembered it, and thats great.
I am still patiently awaiting Georgias post on this blog.She reminded me the other day that the majority of posts on here are from her, but I simply stated that the most recent blogs are from me.So I think I won that argument.!
Well, I wish ^__^

So, I hope you readers are enjoying our exciting little blog so far!
And by that, I mean real readers, who are reading this cause they think what we have to say is interesting.Not idiots such as my older brother who read this blog to pry into my life and annoy me.

I cant be bothered writing much more.

So yeah.

Bye-Bye Xx

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Update From Chloe (:

Hey everyone (:
Well, mainly Georgia, as she is the only person who looks at this blog-- I think...?
Its Chloe here, and I am really quite shocked by the lack of posts on our blog!People must be thinking "What the heck is going on?", and to be honest, I do not appreciate that kind of thinking.
Anyway, as you will probably realise, I am living in England at the moment.Its annoying, cause I miss my friends such as Georgia SO MUCH!!And I am sorta a loner here, apart from the only two friends I have got here, Rosie and Tina.
Anyway, I will give you a bit of an update.
Most mornings, I am on the phone to cool people back in New Zealand, such as Georgia, but this morning I feel really bad cause I woke up late so I couldn't call anyone :(
I really wanted to call them all before I start school TOMORROW.
Which I am really really SO nervous about!
Cause i only basically know one person there, and I am most definately gonna get lost and much much worse.
Like, also, I am not "cool".I am one of those loners, who only has a few friends, and most of the time hangs out at home drawing wierd pictures, writing songs,reading comic books, and looking after her rock colony.Its not exactly everybodys idea of a cool friend.
So lots of people probably will think I am major wierd, and wont want to be my friend, which I guess is okay, its up to them I s'pose, but its still quite scary.
And as well, I am FULLY sick of being labelled Emo!!I actually HATE it!!Cause I am not emo, and I dont even think Emo is cool!So I dont understand why other people think they have the right to call me Emo.Becsue they dont have the right.Just because I am different to them, it doesnt automatically make me an Emo.Emo doesnt even exist.
And also, what I dont get is, I have walked around wearing a t-shirt that says "Punk Is Not Dead", and I still get called an Emo.Like what the fuck?I would understand if I was wearing a t-shirt that said EMO Is Not Dead, but like what the hell?
Cant these motherfuckers read???
Stupid assholes.

Anyway, now i have stopped my complaining, I will just say HELLOW GEORGIA CHECK THE BLOG SOON AND POST SOME NEW BLOGS!

Keep Reading,,
If Anyone Really Is.

Chloe Xx