Friday, June 20, 2008


GEORGIA:For me i only recently (like today) found out what 'chavs' were i knew their type but didn't know there was an actual steriotype.
But seriously do yhuu know how annoying they are! Those stupid haters on people who wear black. lol.
Since Chloe ish going tew be seeings these ppl sometime we decided to declare our hate on them!
Okay so being mean to them ish just the same as them hating 'emos' but ohwell im alowed tew do a lil hating sometimes!!
And thee way they speak really-OMFG! it pisses me ov.harhar.

CHLOE:Ok, Georgia was waaay too nice about these criminals to society.Serious, there arent enough words to describe how much I despise every little thing about them.They hang around freaking bus stops (oh they are cool) in their stupid baggy clothes playing their stupid freaking rap stupid music.I just feel like yelling "DUDE GET A LIFE!OR SOME SKINNY JEANS!!"Lol, but honestly, if I eer get called a chav I will take it as offence.ewwww

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