Friday, September 12, 2008

The End Of The World..

Helloooowww!Its Chloe here!
Yes thats right, the only person who ever posts blogs anymore!What a sad life it is..
Anyway, I decided that instead of the usual rambling I post in blogs, I would have a different topic for each blog I post.Pretty good idea, huh?
Now todays topic (Gawsh I sound so professional!) is The End Of The World.
Sounds quite daunting, doesn't it?Well dont be scared, because although we were supposedly meant to die on Wednesday morning at 8:30, we did't.When we didn't all get sucked up by a black hole at that time, I was quite pleased.Y'know, I actually like living.So obviously, I was happy when we didn't all die.
Anyway, my brother had to totally burst my bubble.This brother is the same one who seems to enjoy reading these blogs and repeating them to my family.
Moving on, he burst my bubble by telling me that there was no chance of us dying on Wednesday.Apparently, the set date for our deaths is 10th October.So thats nice.At least we have under a month to prepare.
The reason behind this later death is because they don't start the High Power Collisions until then.

Thats all I can be bothered to type on this horrid subject.

Trust me to decide that the first topic would be something that scares the life out of me.

Bye-Bye :D


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